There is nothing worse than scheduling sex and making it part of the “routine”. This will just kill the romance and bore you eventually, triggering the need to try something or even someone else. In a relationship, sex must be something spur of the moment. It should happen out ofContinue Reading

Unlike your usual sex toys such as dildos and vibrators, anal toys are different. This is especially so if you’ve never done anal play. There is a process to breaking it in and getting used to the size, texture and even the shape of your new anal toy. Unlike theContinue Reading

If someone ever asks what’s the weirdest place I’ve had sex in, I won’t say it’s the public restroom at a pitstop. It’s not even that back alley behind the church. The hands down winner would have to be at a motel beside a funeral parlor. You would ask whyContinue Reading

In the life of every couple, one of the most exciting new things you can try in the area of sexual relations is vacation sex. Let’s face it, after the first few years and some out-of-this-world ideas, your bedroom activities will seem like it’s losing steam. It may not exactlyContinue Reading

Butt plugs are a subcategory of anal toys designed, which can be used when masturbating or having an intimate affair with your partner.  It goes into the anus and the rectum, which have highly sensitive nerve endings. A lot of people appreciate anal play, not just for the sensation inContinue Reading

Just because a drink is named after this sex act doesn’t mean it’s popular and easy to do. The truth is, having sex on the beach is quite difficult. In real life, you won’t enjoy rolling naked on the sand. It will be irritating and it will hurt if youContinue Reading

Some women ask why they need to spend on a mechanical device like a vibrator or similar sex toys for women when they can really pleasure themselves with just their fingers. It’s difficult to explain it to women who have never had the experience of using a vibrator. It’s simplyContinue Reading

While most people buy sex toys for personal pleasure, others are open to sharing it with their partner. Introducing a sex toy to the relationship is not easy to do. As most sex toys seem to be designed for women, men are hesitant to use them in the bedroom. TheyContinue Reading

If you go to any adult store today, you’ll see that there are hundreds of choices for vibrators. It may become confusing to some to figure out which one to get. Size is one category: they range from tiny bullets to massive monster dildos. Then you have materials to contendContinue Reading

A special type of vibrator which has also become popular among men and women are vibrating eggs. These are meant for the stimulation of the clitoris only and is not to be inserted within the vagina, unless stated specifically (and of course the size should permit it). Like the typicalContinue Reading

Have you ever had sex with your partner when you’re angry? Some women may say this is unthinkable as they won’t be in the mood in the first place. Try it just once and you’ll be an instant convert . The husband and I had a big fight just lastContinue Reading

One of the main advantages of sex toys is that it allows you to bring sex outside the bedroom while being discreet. You can have fun and enjoy this yourself or you can get your partner to play along.  If you’re doing it for the first time, start with somethingContinue Reading