Saying “I love you” to a person is easy enough. Men do it all the time, with a good percentage only doing so in order to get into her pants. Or, he may think he does care that much about you, but he is only attracted to your physical attributes.Continue Reading

Men are very open when it comes to all topics regarding sex, including their favorite sex position. On the other hand, most women are not so vocal about it. They may talk about it with their girlfriends but will prefer to keep mum about it in the company of otherContinue Reading

This is a difficult one to pull off, if not for sourcing the costume itself, the fake French accent is a challenge. This is the classic submissive role play where in most cases the partner plays the master. The popularity of the French maid costume stems from its taboo background.Continue Reading

Two minutes a day is all it takes. That’s the amount of time needed for women to do their Kegel exercises. Done regularly, those pelvic muscles will be good and strong, and this translates to bigger and better orgasms. We should all be thankful to Dr. Arnold Kegel who isContinue Reading

The dating and mating game is constantly evolving, and not always for the better. While meeting potential new partners has become easier these days through social media and technological breakthroughs, building relations through face-to-face interaction is now in flux. A rising new trend referred to as ghosting has some sectorsContinue Reading

It happens to the best of us. We claim to be confirmed bachelors or bachelorettes. We say that married life is not for us. We tell our friends that committing ourselves to one partner for life is for the birds. Then it happens. We meet someone and that person beginsContinue Reading

Having sex in a Jacuzzi is a fantasy that is shared by countless men and women. The great thing about it is that fucking in a Jacuzzi is easy enough to accomplish. You check into a hotel or resort which have Jacuzzis in the rooms and voila! Instead of aContinue Reading

Ben Wa Balls are like anal beads for the vagina. Made primarily for the stimulation of the vagina, the balls can also be used to strengthen the PC muscles. With regular use, it can make the vagina more elastic and help you maintain stronger bladder control. Using Ben Wa BallsContinue Reading

A lot of people are already very comfortable with using sex toys, but not all of them are comfortable with letting other people see their toys lying around for everyone to see. You might think: “What’s the deal? Hide it where no one can see, of course!” but see, it’sContinue Reading

Sexually active men almost always enjoy masturbating as much as having sex. Embracing a woman and penetrating her vagina with his penis is an immense joyride for the typical man, but pleasuring himself can likewise be as good as it gets. Masturbation can provide supreme sensations, especially when using aContinue Reading

With literally thousands of vibrators to choose from, how does a sexually active woman of today pick what’s right for her? This is a tough question and there are no easy answers. There are no hard and fast rules about what constitutes the “best” vibrator for one’s personal use. SoContinue Reading

Most probably you have watched enough movies to know that there is connection between food and sex. Films like 9 ½ Weeks have shown the erotic possibilities that food has, if you know how to use it. Such is the connection of food to sex that we have discovered aphrodisiacs,Continue Reading

It’s pretty common today to hear stories of how the couple being married met online. With the advent of the internet, even love became more accessible. Even more so now that social networks like Facebook and Twitter have taken over so many lives. In the olden days (about 15 yearsContinue Reading