Abraham Lincoln said you can fool some of the people some of the time, and some of the people all of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time.

The greatest American president may as well have been talking about sex, specifically faking orgasms.

You may be able to fool your partner some of the time, but don’t expect to fool him or her all of the time. Some studies have estimated that up to 70 percent of women have faked orgasms anywhere from once or twice in their lives, to doing it regularly.

So why are so many of us lovely ladies faking what should be the single greatest experience in human existence? The reasons vary, but mostly it has to do with our partners.

Since we know full well that we are going to have an orgasm – our minds and bodies are primed for it – during the early stages of lovemaking, we usually relax and let nature take its course.

But by the same token, we also know when it’s not gonna happen, no matter what our partner does. So why not get it over and done with, and pretend to have an orgasm? At least, that’s the logic behind faking it.

You don’t want to feel bad for your partner who is giving it his all, and you don’t want both of you to tire each other out, so to hell with it. Give a loud moan and a scream, and he will believe he has made you happy by giving you the Big O.

But does he really? Believe it or not, a lot of men know when their ladies are faking it. It’s almost instinctive with them. Oh, he may not be aware of the retraction of the clitoral head which occurs just before orgasm, but he may be aware that your breathing hasn’t changed much. When orgasm begins, the heart rate speeds up and breathing becomes harder. If you are in the missionary position, he will see it in your eyes. This is because your pupils should become more dilated as you orgasm.

He may be looking for other tell tale signs that you are reaching a grand climax such as spasms in your vaginal muscles.

You think your entire body may be shaking all over during orgasm, but there are specific areas of your body that show that it’s really happening. Externally, the muscles between the belly button and the vagina may vibrate like crazy. If you are under him, your body will arch as you reach that heavenly peak. And unless you are inside an igloo in Alaska, your body will perspire naturally when you are having an orgasm.

Most of all, your face should reveal if the orgasm is real or faked. All he has to do is look at your face, and he will see if you have the orgasmic face that shows what’s happening with your body.

The better thing to do is not to try to hard. If it’s not coming, it’s not coming. But this doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy the sexual experience. Tell him so. Tell him to stop when you’ve had your fill of fun. Then give him a big smile and a kiss. He won’t care if you’ve had an orgasms or not as long as he sees you’re happy.

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