The tantric massage stems from Hindu origins and is a belief based on achieving personal growth through pleasurable existence. Sexual organs play an important part in the tantric massage. The penis is called the Lingam (wand of light) while the vagina is the Yoni (sacred temple). It is important to remember, that a tantric massage is not a sexual act. In fact, there is no genital penetration involved. It is about trust and opening up the body to spiritual growth.  

So, let’s begin:

A tantric massage is as much about the setting and the mood as it is about the actual massage movements. So before you begin, make sure to set the mood right. In most cases, the tantric massage will be done in the privacy of your own home. Light some candles – lavender is a sexy scent said to increase libido. Keep the lighting low. Put on some good, calming music. Keep the room temperature on the warmer sides. And of course, dress for the part. Not that the latter will matter as you will most likely be nude with your partner when it’s time for the massage.

A tantric massage needs to start with you and your partner being close and feeling each other’s presence. Sit or stand face-to-face and practice breathing together. Hold hands and look into each other’s eyes. You could also fold your hands together and place it on your partner’s nape, right below the base of the skull. Pull him or her close to you in this position. The closer you are the more intense the sexual feeling becomes.

When you feel that you are ready, have your partner undress you and vice versa. Have your partner lie down with his or her back to you and give him a gentle massage with long strokes. There are no limits to what or how you touch your partner at this point, but rough play is not part of the picture. Use a good, scented massage oil or a water-based lubricant.

Then get him or her to lie face up with a small pillow on the hip raising the genitalia. Place another pillow under his or her head so he/she can watch how this is done. This is where it gets exciting. Don’t go for the Lingam or the Yoni right away. Massage around it. Keep slight pressure on the hip bone as you pass this area. Continue to communicate with your partner to ask how the massage is and if the pressure is okay.

When you are both ready, gently touch your partner’s sexual organ. If you prefer, you can even ask if it’s okay to touch it. Your partner will feel more empowered if you ask. Use a bit of oil or some water-based lubricant. For the Lingam, start by stroking the shaft gently then move towards the tip where it is most sensitive. Make sure to massage the scrotum, but again not too much pressure and the perineum. When massaging the Lingam, use gentle stroking motions for the shaft sliding your hands on and off it. For the Yoni, massage the mound first, then the outer lip before moving inside, still very gently doing it. A gentle squeezing motion with the thumb and the middle finger on the lips of the Yoni will give her intense pleasure. There are two major areas to massage for the Yoni, the clitoris and her g-spot. Be gentle but firm with these areas as they are both highly sensitive.

When you feel like your partner is about to climax, hold back. This will make the massage last longer and will teach your partner to hold off before ejaculating. Hold back and waiting for about six times to store all that sexual energy, this will make the experience so intense for your partner before the final release.

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