Touching yourself or masturbation is all about pleasure and release. In the olden days, this was viewed as a sinful act. However, vast studies and research show that this is a common act of self-expression and is, in every sense of the word, normal. Even if done frequently, it shouldn’t pose a problem unless it becomes an obsessive compulsive act for the individual.

In fact, over the years, research shows that some health benefits can be derived from self-pleasuring. First, it provides release of sexual tension. Associated with that is relief from symptoms premenstrual syndrome such as cramps. It also induces endorphins and can help when you’re feeling down. It reduces stress and improves self-esteem.

For couples who practice abstinence, this is the best way to have safe sex. It is also treatment for some forms of sexual dysfunction – for men, it can help practice control of premature ejaculation and for women, they can discover the beauty of orgasm. Masturbating can help one discover what they respond to sexually and teach their partners how to pleasure them.

Particularly in men, masturbation can improve prostate health building resistance to gland infection and lowering the risk of cancer. For women, it prevents yeast infection and relieves chronic back pain.

There is nothing wrong with masturbation. Human beings are programmed to do it and has even been observed in very young children, even before they start thinking sexual thoughts as part of the practice. They often do it out of curiosity and to explore their own bodies. Like masturbation for adults, it is totally normal.

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