The term nymphomania is associated with excessive sex drive. The American Psychiatric Associate now calls it hypersexuality. This used to have separate terms for men and women, where nymphomania was used exclusively for women while men had satyriasis.

People who suffer from this psychological disorder have an abnormal desire to engage in sexual activities and may get to the point that it leads to distress or other serious problems. Some related conditions are bipolar disorder as this has the tendency to cause tremendous sex drive swings, Alzheimer’s disease, Kluver-Bucy syndrome, Kleine-Levin syndrome and various types of brain injuries.  Addiction to illegal drugs like methamphetamine could also contribute to heighted sex drive.

Not all people with a good sex drive suffer from nymphomania, when the behavior becomes obsessive or the urge uncontrollable, it would be best to seek medical advice. Some symptoms include persistent

Thoughts about sex or sexual images, compulsive masturbation, promiscuous sexual activity and obsession with sexual gratification. This can lead to anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and eventually alcoholism or substance abuse.

Like any addiction, dealing with it requires time and effort. Self-help groups like Sex Addicts Anonymous can help release the sexual thoughts that constantly bother nymphomaniacs – sharing helps. There’s also psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy as a form of treatment. Some resort to antidepressant medication to control the urges.

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