Ladies, bikini waxing isn’t just for summer and the ever-diminishing swimwear. It’s actually a great way to add variety to your bedroom activities. If you don’t what bikini waxing is, it’s simply the removal of hair from the pubic area.

There are several ways to do this. You can do it with a hot wax – usually of heated honey or sugar and water. There’s cold waxing as well. There’s strip waxing which is uses a form of sticky paper to get the hair out. You can also shave it off, but that’s a different concept all together. The point is to remove or lessen the hair down there.

A simple bikini wax removes only the hair by the bikini line –this is an imaginary line in the pubic region that delineates what is covered and not covered by the bottom half of the swimsuit. There’s also the full bikini, where only a small amount of hair is left on the mound. The remaining hair can be shaped in all sorts of styles, the most popular of which are: the triangle, the moustache, heart and landing strip.

There are three major types as well. American wax is much like the usual bikini wax where hair is limited to the bikini area. The French wax uses the landing strip method. And the most popular among the three is the Brazilian wax, here everything goes off.

The latter can be painful if not done by a skilled professional. It also poses a risk of infection if not done right. Still, many women bare the pain due to its after effects. Getting a Brazilian can result in making the woman look innocent and almost virginal.

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