If someone ever asks what’s the weirdest place I’ve had sex in, I won’t say it’s the public restroom at a pitstop. It’s not even that back alley behind the church. The hands down winner would have to be at a motel beside a funeral parlor. You would ask whyContinue Reading

One day, you’ll become a parent too and this whole nightmare will be behind you. You’ll be laughing with your husband or wife about your experiences – good and bad – that had to do with meeting the parents for the first time. But for now, you need to faceContinue Reading

When a man meets a woman for the first time and finds himself interested in her, the first thing he wants to know is if she’s available. If he finds that she is neither married nor committed to anyone on a regular basis, his next step will be to askContinue Reading

Saying “I love you” to a person is easy enough. Men do it all the time, with a good percentage only doing so in order to get into her pants. Or, he may think he does care that much about you, but he is only attracted to your physical attributes.Continue Reading

The dating and mating game is constantly evolving, and not always for the better. While meeting potential new partners has become easier these days through social media and technological breakthroughs, building relations through face-to-face interaction is now in flux. A rising new trend referred to as ghosting has some sectorsContinue Reading

It happens to the best of us. We claim to be confirmed bachelors or bachelorettes. We say that married life is not for us. We tell our friends that committing ourselves to one partner for life is for the birds. Then it happens. We meet someone and that person beginsContinue Reading

It’s pretty common today to hear stories of how the couple being married met online. With the advent of the internet, even love became more accessible. Even more so now that social networks like Facebook and Twitter have taken over so many lives. In the olden days (about 15 yearsContinue Reading