This is a versatile sexy costume that can be used for several roles. For instance, you can be the dominant one as the ship’s captain, the seductive first mate or the sexy pin-up girl. One thing’s for sure, nothing says crazy and wild like a sailor coming from a dockedContinue Reading

One of the most popular role-play costumes is that of a nurse. It’s pretty easy to pull off and can easily be bought from any adult online store. In this scenario, you can take control without really showing it. Master passive-aggressive behavior and you’ll be perfect for the role. ThereContinue Reading

Reaching age 40 is a milestone for both men and women. There are many sayings about turning the big 4-0, the most popular of which goes thus:  Life begins at 40. More recently, there are those who say 40 is the new 30, or even the new 20. It isn’t really.Continue Reading

Just to be clear, sex as referred to here does not necessarily refer to out and out fucking. There are may types of sexual activities, and engaging in one or more on a first date is not a bad choice, depending on several things. First, the first date means aContinue Reading

Men are very open when it comes to all topics regarding sex, including their favorite sex position. On the other hand, most women are not so vocal about it. They may talk about it with their girlfriends but will prefer to keep mum about it in the company of otherContinue Reading

This is a difficult one to pull off, if not for sourcing the costume itself, the fake French accent is a challenge. This is the classic submissive role play where in most cases the partner plays the master. The popularity of the French maid costume stems from its taboo background.Continue Reading