Just because a drink is named after this sex act doesn’t mean it’s popular and easy to do. The truth is, having sex on the beach is quite difficult. In real life, you won’t enjoy rolling naked on the sand. It will be irritating and it will hurt if you accidentally roll on broken shells or dried corals.

Besides, it’s still illegal in some areas of the world to publicly display this much affection. You can get arrested and it will be quite embarrassing for you and your partner. Another downside to sex on the beach is the high ion content in the air, which makes you sleepy and hungry, but not really in the mood for love-making. Sex on the beach is visually stimulating if you watch it in movies, but not pleasing in real life.

A good alternative is to walk around the sandy shores with your loved one while wearing vibrating panties. Let your partner take control and give you a pleasurable night while you are on the beach, without getting any sand on your genitals and risking infection. Discreet sex toys like vibrating panties and bullets allow you to have that made-in-the-movies sex experience minus all the embarrassment. You can use it to get in the mood wherever you are, even in public places and you’ll never get caught. Save the extended romance and wild romp when you’re alone with your partner. Sex toys have revolutionized the way people relate with each other and the way you can have sex.

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