With literally thousands of vibrators to choose from, how does a sexually active woman of today pick what’s right for her?

This is a tough question and there are no easy answers. There are no hard and fast rules about what constitutes the “best” vibrator for one’s personal use. So many factors come into play. A woman who intends to buy this glorious sex toy has to consider several things.

First question: Will this be her first vibrator? Young women aged 18 and above may have already tried out a sex toy or two, probably a dildo. Dildos are great as first sex toys, but most women will be curious about the brothers of the dildo, the vibrator.

The vibrator is, after all, nothing more than a dildo that vibrates.  But that little motor inside the toy makes all the difference in the world. Simply put, vibrators provide greater pleasure.

So after a woman has used a dildo, her natural progression is to go for a vibrator, but what kind?

If she’s been using a small or regular sized dildo, she should go for a similarly sized vibrator. Moving from a five inch dildo to an eight inch vibrator would not be a good move.

If she has been using her dildo to penetrate her vagina, she will very likely do the same thing with the vibrator. If the latter is oversized, the first experience with the vibrating device may be painful, or at least uncomfortable.

With a similarly sized vibrator as the dildo she’s been using, the transition from one toy to the other will be easy.

But what of the woman who has never used a sex toy of any kind before? What kind of vibrator should she buy for herself?

The great thing about having thousands of choices is that there is every length and girth to suit her tastes. Presuming that she is not a virgin, inserting a toy into her vagina will not be an issue. Ideally, she should get herself a beginner’s model. These are not only shorter than average, but also less thicker.

Think of the beginner’s vibrator as akin to the penis that she lost her virginity to. If the man she first had sex with had a humungous penis, that first taste of sex would have been painful.  A guy with an average sized penis, on the other hand, would have caused anywhere from mild discomfort to a little pain as her hymen is broken. And a guy with a small penis would not have caused any pain at all.

So it is with a first vibrator. A woman should think small, then graduate to bigger and bigger vibrators.

Whatever size vibrator the first time user picks, she should only buy sex toys made by reliable manufacturers.  Avoid the generic, unbranded toys which will very likely not last very long.

The woman should not rush into her purchase either. If she has friends who already own vibrators, she should get advice from them about which brands are ideal. If not, she can go to the adult store sites and read up.

The greatest news is that the vibrators of the 21st century are far superior to the ones that were available two or three decades ago. Bottomline? They’re more fun to use.

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