Ben Wa Balls are like anal beads for the vagina. Made primarily for the stimulation of the vagina, the balls can also be used to strengthen the PC muscles. With regular use, it can make the vagina more elastic and help you maintain stronger bladder control.

Using Ben Wa Balls can be tricky the first time, but once you get the hang of it, the rest is very easy. Inserting the balls is just like inserting tampons, so if you use tampons regularly, this should not be difficult. Insert the balls inside your vagina, one at a time. You can put lubricant on them first to make them slide inside easily. To make insertion easier, try lifting one leg up, or do this while you are lying down.

After putting all the balls inside, hold them in by squeezing your leg muscles together first, then your PC muscles. The balls will move further inside your vagina, which will make you feel “full” down there. To strengthen your muscles, do this for at least 15 minutes a day. Squeeze as tight as you can, then release, and then tighten again. Quick squeezes and quick releases will improve the condition of your PC muscles.

If you can already hold the balls in for longer periods, try wearing them inside you while you are in the house. Wear it for as long as you can. Do not do this outside your home to avoid the embarrassment of having the balls slip out of you while you are in a public place.

For beginners, it is recommended to use plastic balls first, since metal ones can slip out easily if you have weak PC muscles. You can also use the balls during sex. Put one or two balls inside you before allowing your partner to penetrate you. The penis will move the balls, thus creating pleasurable friction for you.

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