For your sex toys to last for years, good maintenance is key. Always inspect if your sex toys have cracks in the materials,  especially for those made with glass, plastic or acrylic. For sex toys that are made with rubber, jelly or other soft material, check for tears, rough seams and discoloration. If it is no longer working properly or has some damage, it’s time to consider purchasing a new one.

Sex toys like dildos and vibrators come in a variety of shapes, textures, sizes and materials. Knowing how to clean each type of material would make them last longer. The first thing to do is to wash your sex toys before first use and immediately after each use before you store it.

Most adult shops already have antibacterial cleansers for sale, so you may want to consider buying those when you purchase your sex toys. The alternative to that is a using mild soap and water. There are also different care instructions for different types of toys for instance:

  • For rubber, latex and jelly wash them thoroughly with warm water and anti-bacterial soap. These are extremely porous so make sure there’s no soap left after rinsing. For these, we suggest using a condom to make maintenance less of a pain.
  • Cyberskin, NeoSkin and other materials that feel realistic are also washed with warm water and liquid soap. They need to be completely dry before you sprinkle the renewing power (which usually comes with it) or cornstarch.
  • Glass, plastic and acrylic can be washed with warm water and soap. We suggest you sterilize these with alcohol, rinse thoroughly with water and let dry before keeping.
  • Silicone toys can be boiled in water for two to three minutes if there are no electrical components. After that, wash with soap and water then air dry.

Some other things to note, make sure your sex toys are completely dry before you store them to prevent mold and mildew build up. Also it would be best to remove the battery for those with electrical components when they are not in use so it won’t leak and corrode your toys. Last but not the least, read the manual. These would indicate if there are additional care instructions for your sex toys.

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