It’s pretty common today to hear stories of how the couple being married met online. With the advent of the internet, even love became more accessible. Even more so now that social networks like Facebook and Twitter have taken over so many lives.

In the olden days (about 15 years ago), chat rooms were the main rendezvous point for looking for love online. People from all over the world converged in these chat rooms that discussed particular interests. It could be a gaming chat room, or a chat room for a particular country, there were even chat rooms that are for a particular sexual preference. It was easy to meet people and you had your cloak of anonymity. No one really used their names, but rather had a “handle”. If you’re particularly interested in one of the chatters, you can ask for a private chat.

Then came forums. Similar to the chat room, forums were formed around particular topics. Here, one has a profile and can log-in anytime to reply to a post. There’s no instant gratification of getting an answer right away like that of a chat room environment, but people had time to think of their response better. Here, private messages are the key to growing a budding relationship.

The time came when dating websites became popular. If you’re the type to put your heart on your sleeve, this is the place for you. Creating a profile is the way to find your true love online. was a forerunner in this area. Today, Tinder would be the top place to find potential love interests. Describe yourself and what you’d like to see in your potential partner – it’s much like a want ad online.

Finally, today, there’s social networking. It’s a place where you can meet old buddies, where you can connect with people as far back as your primary school days. This gave the perfect opportunity to renew old flames or to rediscover things about people who were nothing more than friends.

The internet has given a lot of couples and those looking for love to bridge the gap of space and find their match even from across the world. All they have to do is look for them in the right places.

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