It happens to the best of us. We claim to be confirmed bachelors or bachelorettes. We say that married life is not for us. We tell our friends that committing ourselves to one partner for life is for the birds.

Then it happens. We meet someone and that person begins to grow on us. He or she is just a little bit different from our past loves. Sex with this new partner is better than with any past lover.

Sooner or later the “L” word is used. And it feels real.

There’s not even any talk of living together. This new love wants the whole nine yards. He/she wants to meet your folks, and wants to set a date for the wedding. Civil or church doesn’t matter. What this new love wants is for you two to be man and wife.

And bless your little soul, you agree. This is the partner that you want to grow old with. But before that, the two of you map out your future.

How many kids do the two of you want? After some debate, you settle on an acceptable number.

It may even happen sooner instead of later. You and your partner are no longer just husband and wife. You are now – are you ready for this? – a family. A loving family.

So what next?

You will find that the sex you enjoyed when you first got together will be as fun as ever. Only now, it’s all perfectly legal and aboveboard. Why even your grandma and grandpa expect you to enjoy each other’s company in every sense.

Sex will remain a big part of your partnership for many decades, but only if you both do your part. Having so much freedom can actually work against you.

Don’t let this happen. With so much freedom, it would be a shame not to enjoy it to the hilt.

The best thing to do is to make sure the sex you share gets better and better over the years. Impossible, you say? Not so. There are countless couples who have been together for decades, who have made it to senior citizen level, yet still enjoy sexual intercourse. In place of quantity, there will be quality.

Buy all the books and videos on sex that you want. Try out all the positions. Better yet, buy all the sex toys that pique your curiosity. You have a long road ahead of you, so why not make the best of each day, month, year and decade?

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