Saying “I love you” to a person is easy enough. Men do it all the time, with a good percentage only doing so in order to get into her pants. Or, he may think he does care that much about you, but he is only attracted to your physical attributes.

Women are just as capable of mouthing these magic words, by the way. And they too can be mistaking feelings of physical attraction for the four letter word.

While it’s certainly great to follow one’s heart, women as well as men should also follow their heads. This means that they should think as well as feel.

There are, to be sure, some indicators that what he or she feels towards you is the real thing. One strong sign is when he readily introduces you to his/her family.

That guy may be good to you, but he can be considered more than that if he wants Mom and Dad to meet you, and vice versa. If getting to know potential in-laws comes naturally, chalk it up as a big plus.

One other positive sign is if he/she makes you forget your ex. Getting over a break up is never easy, especially for a pair who have been together for a long time (translation: more than a year, at least).

But once you meet a potential mate who genuinely makes you happy inside, and he/she makes your ex seem like a bad dream, then congratulate yourself. This one could be the person you’ve been waiting for.

You can’t stop thinking about the new guy who’s showering you with attention? This is another positive sign that you cannot ignore. If you think about him the moment you wake up, and if he’s the last thing on your mind before you fall asleep, and if he’s there in your head in your waking hours…this must be a very special person, indeed.

To confirm this, that person will also show every indication that he is thinking of you all the time. He may call or send text messages throughout the day, and he may constantly look forward to the next time you see each other. Give yourself the two thumbs up, girl. That most potent of all emotions is working its way to your system, as well as his.

He may have very obvious shortcomings and weaknesses, but you don’t mind and you don’t care. You may love to eat home-cooked meals and he turns out to be a lousy cook. All right with you? You used to be crazy over guys who are always fastidiously dressed, but he’s always wearing t-shirts and denims. Not a problem with you? You are attracted to the athletic kind yet he is more a bookworm who has never seen the inside of a gym. So what, you ask.

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