Have you ever been in that position? Where you’re writing in the middle of the night – be it a poem, a short story, an essay or even a report – and you’re just stuck? Having a case of writer’s block? How about when you’re painting or drawing or creating your next masterpiece and you just can’t find the right color mix for it? Artistic people sometimes have that tendency to automatically shut down when their brains are too tired to think.

There are different ways to get out of that funk. You can try taking a break and just breathing for a second.  You can also distract yourself by watching TV. Certain food can act as stimuli – soda or chocolates seem to do a good job at this. You can also lose a day of work by sleeping on the idea you left hanging in the air.

One thing that has worked for me without question is to use the element of self-pleasure. Drop your work for a while. Go into a private area and reach down and touch yourself. If it helps, you can use a magazine to stimulate sexual thoughts or watch an adult video. The experience becomes even better with the help of some sex toys for women. If you have them, this is the best time to put on your vibrating panties.

When your juices down there start flowing, you’ll soon see how easy it easy to let the creative juices flow as well. Endorphins are natural stress relievers that can help you clear your head for a moment so you can refocus on your work. Endorphins are usually released when you reach climax.

So if you’re planning to write a long novel or work on some tough material, think ahead and purchase toys for women. You’ll never know when it’s come handy and save you from missed deadlines.

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