A sexy and sultry costume that could help your love life reach its peak is the Playboy Bunny costume. The Hugh Heffner brand of sexy is known all over the world and it’s simply unmistakable. The costume exudes class, elegance, good training and of course raw sexiness.

There are as many renditions of the Playboy Bunny as there are roles you could play out. Among the most popular is the subservient role. The original bunnies were part of the Playboy Club and serving your partner drinks and maybe lighting his cigar would be a good place to start. You could go to the extremes and emulate the Playboy Bunnies of the well-loved magazine instead.

Key pieces: Bunny ears, Corset and French-cut undies

Other optional accessories: Cuffs, Collar with bowtie, cotton tail

Best line to use: Is there anything I can get you, sir?

Bedroom drama:  Playful but with well-defined, sophisticated movements. Playboy Bunnies are among the most well-trained women on Earth, they train even down to the proper posture for lighting a cigarette and accentuating one’s assets. 

No-no’s: Fur or any cutesy bunny items. If you want to portray the real Playboy Bunny, keep it to the classic black and white. Reserve the pink and fluffy for other role playing games.

Dirty Little Secret: The red lipstick. There isn’t much to hide with the Playboy Bunny costume, it’s all about understated sexiness and nothing communicates that better than the fire engine red lipstick. Besides, it leaves a good mark when you kiss him on the neck or anywhere sexy and seductive.

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