Reaching age 40 is a milestone for both men and women. There are many sayings about turning the big 4-0, the most popular of which goes thus:  Life begins at 40.

More recently, there are those who say 40 is the new 30, or even the new 20. It isn’t really. Being 40 means a person has just entered middle age, which may be the best of times or the worst of times, depending on one’s situation.

The average 40-year-old man or woman has usually reached a level of maturity where he/she is better able to live with the realities of life. He/she should be more stable financially. He/she should even experience better sex, having had enough experience to know what’s good and what’s not. At the very least, he/she has become more confident in bed.

At age 40, sex can be superior because of a number of factors.

First, the man and the woman know that size does not matter as much as technique. The length of the man’s dick is not as important as what really counts – his cock’s girth. By this age, the man would have used his cock often enough through fucking or masturbation that he would have reached the peak of his girth. That’s yummy for his wife or girlfriend.

The couple enjoys total sex, not just fucking. This includes cuddling which younger couples do not appreciate enough. It also means never rushing to orgasm. The quantity may not be as much as when a couple was in their 20s or 30s, but the quality will be so much better.

The pair will know by the time they are four decades old what kind of sex gives them the greatest thrills. No need to experiment and try stuff that are best forgotten. They would have tried it all, and picked the positions that they both enjoy to the hilt.

At age 40, the woman need never have to fake it again. Ever. She presumably has a partner who’s a keeper. No need to pretend when the sex is merely adequate, or when it’s stupendous. At this age, he will also know which of her buttons to push to make sure she never has to fake orgasm because she will be experiencing the real thing.

The silly rules of your youth are no longer in effect. Fucking with your socks on can be a turn off for any young couple because quite honestly, it looks funny. But past 40, if either or both want to keep their feet warm, no one will ask for socks off before fucking.

Sex toys are considered as aids to keeping relationships strong at this age. The woman can use her vibrator whenever she wants, and he won’t complain. If she uses it as part of their lovemaking, he may even enjoy it as much as her. He may even buy himself whatever sex toy he wants to play with. She will not only understand, but will probably give her wholehearted support. Yup, life does begin at 40. More importantly, great sex is guaranteed at 40 and beyond.

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