One of the most common positions for love-making, the missionary position is the man-on-top position. Its history is unclear. Some say that the name came from Christian missionaries who taught that this was the way to have intercourse – though that is still unverified.

There are many variants of this position. But the general placing for heterosexual intercourse has the woman lying on her back and the man on top, facing her. The placement of the woman’s legs can vary between wrapping it around her partner to having her feet resting flat on the bed – the higher she places her legs, the deeper the penetration. Pillows may also be used as a prop to raise the woman’s hips and have a better angle for clitoral stimulation.

As many as its varieties are the names associated with this position. It is called the serpent’s way, starfish position, angelic position, matrimonial position, English-American position and many more.

Both heterosexual and homosexual couples can engage in sex in the missionary position. It appeals to most couples due to its romantic aspect. During intercourse in the missionary position, the partners face each other and can have eye contact, can hold each other in their arms and kiss. It is also the best position that offers maximum skin-to-skin contact between the couple.

Men definitely have better control in this position and can dictate the rhythm and the depth of his thrust. Women, on the other hand, have a better opportunity to have multiple orgasm, not just because of the act of penetration but rather due to the closeness it offers, the way his women feel their partner’s sweat on their skin and take on their full weight.

This is a popular position for those who are having sex for the first time as it is deemed the most comfortable. However, it becomes less appropriate for women who are having sex while carrying a child and are in their last trimester of pregnancy.

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