
A relatively new term that has entered the relationship arena is sexting. This is a contraction of two words: sexy/sex and texting. We live in a modern world where communication is literally at your fingertips and sending an SMS is among those many ways of getting in touch with someone in an instant. Its use has recently evolved towards the direction of the bedroom with sexting.

Basically, sexting is the act of sending sexually explicit messages and photographs over two mobile phones. Sexting has been around since 2005 and was first documented in an article in Sunday Telegraph Magazine. Unfortunately, its proliferation over the years has lead to some anti-child pornography cases.

Despite its bad reputation, sexting can still be an exciting way to keep the flame alive for two consenting adults. It is especially useful for long-distance relationships or for couples who are fond of finding new ways to have an open and honest communication system.

Sexting is also a sign of trust. Those explicit materials – whether texts or images – can be stored and easily disseminated. This is where the problem stems for most cases of teenage sexting. But for adults who know the consequences and are fully aware of what they are equipping their partners with, the thrill multiplies knowing that you can trust your partner to keep your dirty little secret.

Sexting is a simple way to tell your partner how you feel without using so much words. And sometimes this makes an even stronger impact. Do remember to use it responsibly and lay some common sense ground rules when you decide to explore the wild world of sexting.

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