Men and women are essentially different. This is exactly the concept that made the book “Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus” so popular. But this extends far beyond the way these two sexes think and all the way to the bedroom.

They are, by nature, polygamous and you can play this to your advantage. In the past, we’ve talked about the benefits of costumes. It’s not just about adding spice to your daily (or rather, nightly) routine but more about the concept behind it. When women are in costume, men think of them differently. My 5-year boyfriend (now my husband) said that it’s like being with a different woman every time. It lets him explore that part of his personality that just wants to know what it’s like to be with another woman.

I’ve done so many role-playing costumes over the span of our dating relationship that I never thought I’d be able to keep it up now that we’re married. But surprisingly, you can still add variety just by switching up your everyday look.

For instance, the cooking wife is never the same as the wife he goes to work with every morning. And those two personalities are way different from the wife he goes to bed with. I have never gone to bed in the same clothes that I wear to cook his dinner. It’s that simple and it works. First, I don’t want to remind him of the smell of the kitchen or the thought of doing the dishes (or any house work for that matter) lest he ends up thinking that sex is a chore.

These simple changes can make a big difference in the way he perceives your relationship in bed. No matter how tiring your day or how hard you slaved over that fabulous dinner in the kitchen, try to keep the conversation about it outside of your bedroom. If you must, keep it to 15 minutes tops. He doesn’t want to hear how you bossed around the new kid or how you much you hate your boss when he’s thinking sexy thoughts about you.

Just like role-playing, splitting up your day into different roles will allow him to see just how multi-faceted you are and will get him to love each aspect of you. That bedroom you then becomes even more special. 

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