In the life of every couple, one of the most exciting new things you can try in the area of sexual relations is vacation sex. Let’s face it, after the first few years and some out-of-this-world ideas, your bedroom activities will seem like it’s losing steam. It may not exactly be your partner who is becoming stale but the environment you’re doing it in. If there’s no change in the scenery and it’s always your bedroom, you and your partner may soon start finding sex to be such a repetitive act.

For this issue, vacation sex is definitely the answer. Being in a different venue gives you a chance to do something that you may have been afraid to do in your home or in your general area for fear of discovery by people you know – whether it be your parents, your kids or even your neighbors. Being on vacation with your partner gives you the freedom to do what you want free of these concerning thoughts.

Being on vacation also sets your mind to its most carefree state, which in turn, gives you the opportunity to explore your creativity even more. Give yourself and your partner a break from the usual by going out of town, hopping on a plane or simply going to a motel for the night.

Make the night even more exciting by really preparing for it and letting the excitement build up. Since you are both exploring new things during your vacation, why not add a little more excitement by bring a sex toy along. Whether it be your staple vibrating panties, a more adventurous dominatrix whip, a full-on role play costume or even a monster dildo, just make sure you pack it appropriately for your transportation choice. Having a monster dildo go through the scanner at the airport is not exactly that fun.

When you’re at your destination, go ahead and let loose. You may be surprised to find that you’ve even brought home some of that much-needed passion and spark back in your relationship when you get home from some wonderful vacation sex.

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