There is nothing worse than scheduling sex and making it part of the “routine”. This will just kill the romance and bore you eventually, triggering the need to try something or even someone else. In a relationship, sex must be something spur of the moment. It should happen out ofContinue Reading

If someone ever asks what’s the weirdest place I’ve had sex in, I won’t say it’s the public restroom at a pitstop. It’s not even that back alley behind the church. The hands down winner would have to be at a motel beside a funeral parlor. You would ask whyContinue Reading

Reaching age 40 is a milestone for both men and women. There are many sayings about turning the big 4-0, the most popular of which goes thus:  Life begins at 40. More recently, there are those who say 40 is the new 30, or even the new 20. It isn’t really.Continue Reading